Sunday, March 28, 2010
It was a sunny day,i just woke up early in the morning n then went to school to take part for the cross-country race.There was many ppl in school when i reached there.I met Jeslyn n Jia Yee then Kah Pooi,Li Hui,Shu Min,Wee Yee n Sing Yee came continuosly.After that,all of us gathered in the basketball court.After doing some warm up,the race was started.At first, i said want to run wif See Yan but i forgt about her n juz kept running in front.I was sorry about this.I passed all the check point n succeed to collect all the rubber bands.I was busy to tie my shoelace while running.Finally,i run back to school n juz gt no.11.It was really painstaking.I was not feeling well when i reached school n juz rush to the toilet n vomit.But after a while,I felt better.--(skip)--After giving out prizes n lucky draw,I walked to the shops that opposite our school with my friends.Kah Pooi back home ady then went to hv our lunch wif Shu Min,Mun Jing,Hao Xuan n Kai Wen.We met Li Hui n also Wei Min them there.About 1:00p.m. it was our time to go home.Although I was tired tat day but i felt happy bcoz hd a good experience.
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
12:22 AM
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
haha..long time din blogging ady..coz i m lazy..haha
finally the exam is over but a more terrible thing is coming..
tat is call 'RESULT'..
today is the last day of our exam n there is a sub 'sj'..
i think it is really difficult..not SUPER difficult..
most of the ans juz simply choose..haha
hope i m lucky n able to choose the correct ans but i think tat is
juz hope it is not too bad..
although i know tat the exam is juz around the corner but i still no mood to do revision..
i think i m really lazy..haha
then juz do it at the eleventh hour..
really tire n also gt 黑眼圈 ady..wuwu..T.T

lying on the bed n juz take the picture of ceiling

tat day is my cousin's bday n she buys these cakes for me n another cousin..
we juz eating the cake n also do our revision

our cakes n full of exercise book on the bed..^^

boring n juz read the 'doraemon'..heh^^

my sc workbook..haha

eye tat draw by me in the sc nota
do u think is beautiful?
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
7:20 AM