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Sunday, March 28, 2010
It was a sunny day,i just woke up early in the morning n then went to school to take part for the cross-country race.There was many ppl in school when i reached there.I met Jeslyn n Jia Yee then Kah Pooi,Li Hui,Shu Min,Wee Yee n Sing Yee came continuosly.After that,all of us gathered in the basketball court.After doing some warm up,the race was started.At first, i said want to run wif See Yan but i forgt about her n juz kept running in front.I was sorry about this.I passed all the check point n succeed to collect all the rubber bands.I was busy to tie my shoelace while running.Finally,i run back to school n juz gt no.11.It was really painstaking.I was not feeling well when i reached school n juz rush to the toilet n vomit.But after a while,I felt better.--(skip)--After giving out prizes n lucky draw,I walked to the shops that opposite our school with my friends.Kah Pooi back home ady then went to hv our lunch wif Shu Min,Mun Jing,Hao Xuan n Kai Wen.We met Li Hui n also Wei Min them there.About 1:00p.m. it was our time to go home.Although I was tired tat day but i felt happy bcoz hd a good experience.
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
12:22 AM

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
haha..long time din blogging ady..coz i m lazy..haha
finally the exam is over but a more terrible thing is coming..
tat is call 'RESULT'..
today is the last day of our exam n there is a sub 'sj'..
i think it is really difficult..not difficult..is SUPER difficult..
most of the ans juz simply choose..haha
hope i m lucky n able to choose the correct ans but i think tat is impossible..lol..
juz hope it is not too bad..

although i know tat the exam is juz around the corner but i still no mood to do revision..
i think i m really lazy..haha
then juz do it at the eleventh hour..
really tire n also gt 黑眼圈 ady..wuwu..T.T

lying on the bed n juz take the picture of ceiling

tat day is my cousin's bday n she buys these cakes for me n another cousin..
we juz eating the cake n also do our revision

our cakes n full of exercise book on the bed..^^

boring n juz read the 'doraemon'..heh^^

my sc workbook..haha

eye tat draw by me in the sc nota
do u think is beautiful?
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
7:20 AM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I hd gone to the 17th Dhamma Youth Camp 2009 (DYC) for five days frm 25 Nov until 29 Nov.My group is 'DANA' and the name means generousity.The theme for this year's DYC is Open Heart,Radiant Mind.I hd made many new friends there and enjoy myself very much.My mentor is nice and her name is Tan Ying Zhee.I hd learn many things frm the camp.Although my group cant gt the champion and even is the last no.2 in the camp but we still very happy and proud for it.hahaXD!!I felt very happy to join this camp and hope can join such camp again in the future.Share with u all something about this camp:

--Mary HAD a little lamb--
6:25 AM

Friday, November 13, 2009
因为之前考试再加上电脑有些问题所以好久都没写新的帖子了。在这期间我参加了一场14岁以下的篮球公开赛,我校的A team得了冠军而我的队伍B team则落败了,就当拿个经验吧!明年再接再厉咯!^^
最近,学校举办了一个'program selepas peperiksaan'一连三天,当中的活动包括:篮球、羽球、乒乓、kuiz、story-telling、news reading、bercerita等等。我参加了news reading当然得了个冠军,o(∩_∩)o哈哈……我班的男子得了篮球的亚军还有足球的冠军;女子得了排球以及羽球双打的亚军,当然还有得了很多其他的奖项。恭喜他们咯。
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
11:08 PM

Friday, October 2, 2009
考试就快到了,但我却一点都还没准备到。我看几乎我的同班同学都已经开始准备了,唯独我一人对这次的考试好像一点都 不在乎似的。虽然我真的很害怕这次的年终考试我的成绩会退步,但我就是提不起劲儿来读书。有谁能够告诉我为什么吗?!!希望这次的考试成绩不会太差就好了。同时我也希望我的朋友们考试顺利咯!一起加油吧^^kambateh!!!
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
4:50 AM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
上个星期五,我们共十八个人到戏院看《吓到笑》。在那十八个人中只有三位是别班的那就是俐慧、诗莹和kar yee,而我班的则是伟民、文静、伟升、进祥、财明、律壮、兆荣、素敏、嘉珮、苇宜、依君、思盈、惠彦、欣怡当然也包括我。要出门看戏时天竟不作美,下起了倾盆大雨。在那儿我们遇见了cik mok和几位老师,她们就坐在我们的隔壁。看着戏时我和几位坐在最上一排的朋友竟无聊到拿爆米花丢来丢去。现在想起还觉得我们有点幼稚。我们也一直作弄前排的朋友,不是拉他们的头发就是扮鬼吓他们,有点胆小的依君有被素敏吓到哦,哈哈!此外,伟民说了一句感觉有点好笑的话:他问我们是不是开着眼睛看。看戏当然开着眼睛看不然关着咩。 《吓到笑》一共讲述三个故事那就是‘路边有鬼’,‘森林有鬼’以及‘家里有鬼’。其实这三个故事都不会很恐怖反而觉得有点搞笑,只是在‘森林有鬼’里有一幕一个女鬼的头突然闪出来会把人给吓着。而‘家里有鬼’其实也有点感人,那三个贪财的儿子一直怨母亲没庇佑他们中万字但其实他们的母亲一直在保佑他们而且还救了他们一命。
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
12:25 AM

Friday, August 7, 2009
Long time didn't blogging jor..ntg special that can share with u all ..
Haizz..the prefect want to choose the next year new AJK jor..
I hope i can be one of the AJK too..I think Yee Kuan will be the ketua next year..
Dont know when they will tell us the result..
So worry!!
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
5:11 AM

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